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Subscribers to some of the UK’s leading B2B publications

Over 250,000 contacts
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Incisive Media publish some of the UK’s leading B2B publications targeted mainly in the Financial, Legal, Accountancy and IT Sectors. This database combines all the registration forms from their subscribers in to one large deduplicated masterfile. All of these contacts have opted-in and agreed to receive 3rd party marketing for postal, telephone and e-mail. There are many selections available from this masterfile that are specific to a publication/sector, for example: from Computing Magazine you can select on IT budget.

This file has been created from the subscribers to the various Incisive Media publications/sources from both Print and online, some of these include: Accountancy Age magazine, Computer Reseller News, Computing magazine, Financial Director magazine, Insurance Age magazine, Investment Week magazine, Professional Advisor magazine, Professional Pensions magazine, Risk magazine, Waters magazine and Legal Week.