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Waterlow Business Supplies

HR & Administration contacts

28,000+ Contacts
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Waterlow Business Supplies Ltd, part of Oyez Straker Group, is one of the leading providers of business supplies in the UK.

Their varied product range is designed to offer a complete solution to office administration and management by making staff administration easier and more efficient.

Products purchased include; recruitment and administration forms, business software, general office products and motivational posters and prints.

The contacts on this list are the people who are responsible for HR and general administration for their employees. All buyers have all been recruited via mail order and online activities and are all responsible for the line management and well-being of staff, predominantly in companies with 15 to 300 employees across all business categories.

This file is suitable for many B2B offers such as business publications, seminar and conference companies, training, non-competing office supplies and corporate gifts catalogues. Also recommended for business travel, computer consumables and any offer where reaching the named buyer of products within a business is crucial to the overall success of the campaign.