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How Do Hair Extensions Work
Instantly transform your look – find out how!
Hair extensions are hairpieces that are used to add length, volume, and dimension to natural hair. They can be made from real or synthetic hair. We generally use real hair, sourced from the leading hair extension suppliers.
There are various types of hair extensions available in the market, and each type works differently.
In this blog we discuss how some of the most popular types of hair extensions work.
Micro cylinder bead extensions
Micro cylinder bead hair extensions are a popular type of hair extension that uses small metal or silicone beads to attach the hair extensions to natural hair.
These hair extensions work by using small metal or silicone beads to attach the hair extensions to natural hair. The beads are clamped down into place, securing the hair extensions to the natural hair.
Micro cylinder bead hair extensions can last for several months with proper maintenance.
Clip-in hair extensions
Clip-in hair extensions are easy to use and can be attached to natural hair with the help of small clips. The clips are sewn into the hair extensions, and individuals can clip them onto their natural hair. Clip-in hair extensions are a popular option for those who want to add length and volume to their hair for a special occasion.
Tape-in hair extensions
Tape hair before and after
Tape-in hair extensions are attached to natural hair using adhesive tape. The hair extensions are applied in small sections, and the adhesive tape is sandwiched between the natural hair and hair extensions. Tape-in hair extensions are a popular option for those who want a semi-permanent solution to add length and volume to their hair.
Fusion hair extensions
Fusion hair extensions are attached to natural hair using a bonding agent, such as keratin or glue. The bonding agent is heated to soften it and then applied to the natural hair. The hair extensions are then attached to the bonding agent. Fusion hair extensions can last for several months and are a popular option for those who want a long-term solution to add length and volume to their hair.
Weave hair extensions
Weave hair extensions are attached to natural hair using a braiding technique. The natural hair is braided tightly against the scalp, and the hair extensions are sewn into the braids. Weave hair extensions can last for several weeks and are a popular option for those who want a semi-permanent solution to add length and volume to their hair.
The type of hair extensions used depend on your needs and preferences, and each type works differently. Hair extensions can be a great solution for those who want to experiment with different hairstyles or want to add more body and fullness to your hair.
Hair extension benefits
Here are some of the benefits of hair extensions.
Instant length and volume
One of the primary benefits of hair extensions is that they can instantly add length and volume to natural hair. Hair extensions are ideal for individuals who have thin or fine hair and want to add more body and fullness to their hair.
Hair extensions come in various styles, lengths, and colors, making them a versatile option for individuals who want to experiment with different hairstyles. Hair extensions can be styled in various ways, such as straight, curly, or wavy, giving individuals more control over their look.
Low maintenance
Hair extensions are low maintenance and require minimal upkeep. Unlike natural hair, hair extensions do not need to be washed or styled as frequently, making them a convenient option for individuals who are always on the go. Join Us extensions valencia website
Hair extensions can provide protection to natural hair by shielding it from environmental factors such as heat, humidity, and UV rays. Hair extensions can also protect natural hair from damage caused by styling tools such as curling irons and flat irons.
Confidence boost
Hair extensions can boost your confidence by giving you a new and improved look. If you have undergone hair loss due a medical condition or treatment, having professionally applied hair extensions from an experienced hair salon, such as Petersham Hair, can be the way to go, while giving you a self esteem boost.
Hair extensions are a non-permanent option to change your hair. Unlike more permanent options like balayage and foils, which last several months, hair extensions can be removed easily, allowing you to switch up your look frequently.